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Кемеровская областная научная библиотека имени В.Д.Фёдорова

Сегодня воскресенье, мы работаем с 10:00 до 18:00.

Татьяна Евгеньевна, добрый день! Прошу подборку статей по микроорганизмам в черном, буром углях и антраците.
1 марта 2015 г.

Здравствуйте, уважаемый пользователь. Предлагаю список статей по интересующей Вас теме из бесплатных англоязычных поисковых сайтов. Если Вам не удастся их загрузить, сохраненные файлы можно забрать в отделении информационных ресурсов на иностранных языках и языках народов России.

С уважением,
Татьяна Евгеньевна

Справки по тел. 44-18-75 email: ino@kemrsl.ru

Список статей по теме: Микроорганизмы в черном угле

1. [PDF] Microbial Degradation and Modification of Coal - Wiley-VCH
4.3.3 Involvement of Hydrolases in Brown Coal Solubilization . ... investigate microbialactivities towards coal. ...

2. [PDF] Biogeochemical Factors Enhancing Microbially ... - Rpsea
Several factors contribute to the utility of coal bed methane relative to other ... the ability of bacteria and fungi to degrade coal in the laboratory, producing black, ...microorganisms and enzyme preparations to metabolize and solubilize coal ...

3. [PDF] Microbial production of methane and carbon dioxide from ...
автор: A Opara -
Methods and Results: Bituminous coal and coal waste material were obtained from a .... graphs (Figures 1 through 9) by solid black and dashed gray lines for ...

4. [PDF] Geochemistry of sulfides in coal and microbial leaching ...
автор: CH Kos - ?1981 -
Geochemistry of sulfides in coal and microbial leaching experiments . 1) 2) Z). C.H.Kosl) ... Their deposition as monosulfides, yielding the black colour of organic.

5. [PDF] Sulphur Oxidizing Bacteria as the Causative Factor of ...
автор: A Estokova - ?
influence of vegetation and microorganisms causing the so called .... Used coal fly ash with volumetric weight of 2381 kg/m3 originates from black coal's burning ...

6. [PDF] On the artificial humic acids prepared from coal and microorganism pigments
Kyoichi Kumada & Saburo Hotta

Список статей по теме: Микроорганизмы в буром угле

1. [PDF] (Biogasification of Soma Lignite by Microorganisms)
автор: M Baysal - ?2010 - ?
286. Biogasification of Soma Lignite by Microorganisms. Mustafa Baysal*, Yuda Y?r?m. Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University Orhanli ...

2. [PDF] Recent development in lignite investigation
автор: L Z?vodsk? - ?
Fossil materials, including lignite, in general possess some specific properties (as a ..... lignite indicate that carbohydrates are primarily of microbial origin.

3. [PDF] The microflora and physico-chemical properties of lignite
In Kosovo, large deposits of coal, in the form of lignite, can be found. ... chemical link between the coal and the microbial biomass was observed: the values of C, ...

4. [PDF] Modified Lignite: - awwoa
At a general level, microorganisms fall into categories based on the type of ... With the aid of the natural components of lignite coal, SHAC Environmental ...

5. [PDF] Microbial production of methane and carbon dioxide from ...
автор: A Opara -
Aims: To examine microbial methane and CO2 production from bituminous coal waste,lignite, and bituminous coal materials. Methods and Results: Bituminous ...

6. [PDF] Comparison of Gamma Irradiated and Raw Lignite in ...
автор: I Sugoro - ?2013 - ?
liquid oil at ambient temperature by helping microorganism. The pretreated ... rawlignite treatment and dominant bacteria were identified as Bacillus megaterium.

7. [PDF] Potential of Removing Trace Elements from a Turkish Lignite
G?lhan ?zbayo?lu, Journal: International Journal of Coal Preparation and UtilizationVolume 30, Issue 6, November 2010, pages 322-330 Published online: 24 Nov 2010
8. [PDF] Nitrogen Incorporation into Lignite Humic Acids during Microbial Degradation
LianHua Dong & HongLi Yuan
Journal: Geomicrobiology JournalVolume 26, Issue 7, September 2009, pages 484-490
Published online: 16 Sep 2009

Список статей по теме: Микроорганизмы в антраците

1. [PDF] Removal of microcystin-LR from spiked water using either activated carbon or anthracite as filter material
Patrick Drogui, Rimeh Daghrir, Marie-Christine Simard, Christine Sauvageau & Jean Fran?ois Blais
Journal: Environmental TechnologyVolume 33, Issue 4, February 2012, pages 381-391
2. [PDF] Microbial coal desulfurization in an airlift biore...
автор: HW Ryu - ?1993 - ?
Microbial desulfurization of a domestic anthracite coal by using an acidophilic, sulfur- ... microbial pyrite degradation, microorganisms used, and coal properties.

3. [PDF] Comparison of coal rank for enhanced biogenic ... - Colorado
автор: PH Fallgren - ?2013 - ?
1, the process of CH4 generation from coal is a microbial consortium-based ..... coal, while lignite and anthracite contained significantly less

Ответ дан 01.03.2015 г.

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