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Кемеровская областная научная библиотека имени В.Д.Фёдорова

Сегодня воскресенье, мы работаем с 10:00 до 18:00.

Татьяна Евгеньевна! Добрый вечер! Прошу подобрать по 10 источников литературы с доступом к электронным к ресурсам по темам: классификация бактериальных болезней растений; классификация вирусных болезней растений и вироидов, микоплазменные болезни растений.
25 февраля 2015 г.

Здравствуйте, уважаемый пользователь. К сожалению, в отделе нет необходимой литературы по интересующей Вас теме. Мы можем оказать помощь в поиске материала (полнотекстовые статьи из научных журналов) в базе данных американской компании Ebsco Publishing, но эта услуга платная. Для Вас найдены статьи из бесплатных англоязычных поисковых сайтов. Если Вам не удастся загрузить, сохраненные файлы можно забрать в отделении информационных ресурсов на иностранных языках и языках народов России.

С уважением,
Татьяна Евгеньевна

Справки по тел. 44-18-75 email: ino@kemrsl.ru

1. Классификация бактериальных болезней растений:

1. [PDF] Important plant pathogenic organisms- different groups ...
Plant diseases are classified on the basis of type of pathogenic or ... Rickettsia-likebacteria (RLB) e.g. Citrus greening, Pierce's disease of grape c.

2. [PDF] Plant Pathogenic Bacteria: Genomics and Molecular Biology
Robert W. Jackson - 2009 - ?Science
for over 30 years to distinguish among plant pathogenic bacteria

3. [PDF] Bacterial Diseases of Plants - Ohioline - The Ohio State ...
автор: SD Ellis - ?2008 - ? pathology is the study of plant disease including the reasons why plants get sick and how to control

4. A proposed nomenclature and classification for plant pathogenic bacteria
J. M. Young, D. W. Dye, J. F. Bradbury, C. G. Panagopoulos & C. F. Robbs
5. Effects of Colonization of a Bacterial Endophyte, Azospirillum sp. B510, on Disease Resistance in Rice
6. Effect of water on bacterial multiplication in plant tissue
J.M. Young
7. Inhibition of Rhizoctonia by endospore forming bacteria indigenous to landscape planting beds
D.J. Norman, E.R. Dickstein & J.M.F Yuen
8. Diversity of Xanthomonas Spp. Causal Agents of Bacterial Spot on Pepper and Tomato Plants in Bulgaria
Yoana Kizheva, Taca Vancheva, Petya Hristova, Mariya Stoyanova, Nevena Bogatzevska & Penka Moncheva
9. Soilborne Plant Diseases Caused by Pythium spp.: Ecology, Epidemiology, and Prospects for Biological Control
Frank N. Martin & Joyce E. Loper
10. Drippy gill: A bacterial disease of cultivated mushrooms caused by Pseudomonas agarici n.sp.
J. M. Young

2. классификация вирусных болезней растений и вироидов:

автор: J Randles - ? Viroid- and virus-like sy.rnptoms have been recognised in plants for a very long ... subunits of one or more types called capsomeres and protects the nucleic acid.

2. [PDF] Technical advancement in plant virus diagnosis – an appraisal
Arif T. Jan, Mudsser Azam, Mohiuddin K. Warsi, Arif Ali & Qazi Mohd. Rizwanul Haq
3. [PDF] Screening of chrysanthemum cultivars for Chrysanthemum stunt viroid in an Indian scenario
D. Singh, M. Pathania, R. Ram, A. A. Zaidi & N. Verma
4. [PDF] Hormone-Virus Interactions in Plants
Paula E. Jameson & Sean F. Clarke
5. [PDF] New Approaches to the Detection of Microbial Plant Pathogens
P.W.G. Chu, P.M. Waterhouse, R.R. Martin & W.L. Gerlach

3. Микоплазменные болезни растений:

1. [PDF] mollicutes and mycoplasma-like agents of plant and animal ...
автор: K Maramorosch
70 different, often highly destructive, plant diseases caused by mycoplasma- ... some of the plant disease agents belong to a distinct group withinthe Mollicutes,

2. [PDF] A mycoplasma-like organism associated with Phormium yellow leaf disease
R. Ushiyama, S. Bullivant & R. E. F. Matthews
3. [PDF]Mycoplasmal Pathogens: New Causes for Old Diseases
автор: CR Hibben
Microorganisms residing in the phloem of plants induce growth abnormalities ... The year 1967 began a new era for plant ..... 35-96. In Mycoplasma Diseases of.

4. Poultry mycoplasmas: sophisticated pathogens in simple guise
J.M. Bradbury Professor
5. Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Thymidine Phosphorylase
Liya Wang, Sebastian R. Schmidl & J?rg St?lke
6. Effects of using virus and mycoplasma-infected scion material on some Aotea apple rootstocks
G.A. Wood
7. Micropropagation of Abelmoschus esculentus L. (Moench.) for disease free plantlets through meristem culture
Mohammad Anisuzzaman, Ahmad H. Kabir, Kanak K. Sarker, Shamima Jarin & Mohammad F. Alam
8. Classification of plant-pathogenic mycoplasma ... - CiteSeer
автор: B SCHNEIDER -
Mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs) are nonculturable, parasitic prQkaryotes of the class Mollicutes associated with diseases of several hundred plant species ...

Ответ дан 25.02.2015 г.

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