С Новым годом! Версия для слабовидящих Электронные каталоги

Кемеровская областная научная библиотека имени В.Д.Фёдорова

Сегодня воскресенье, мы работаем с 10:00 до 18:00.

Добрый день! Для написания курсовой работы необходимо 10-15 научных статей на англ.языке по теме: Международная трудовая миграция и проблемы её регулирования.
Предмет: Мировая экономика. Заранее благодарен.

14 мая 2014 г.

Здравствуйте, Александр! Для написания курсовой работы Вы можете воспользоваться ссылками (см. ниже), взятые из англоязычных сайтов.
За более подробной информацией можно обратиться в отделение информационных ресурсов на иностранных языках и языках народов России
e-mail: ino@kemrsl.ru тел. 44-18-75

1. PDF]
International migration and its regulation. State of the ... - UvA DARE
29 Apr 2004 ... labour force data, there exists little international standardization of .... Migration
intends to tackle the problem that international migration ...

2. PDF]
1.6 International Migration Law
International law related to movement-related rights, labour migration, human traf
- ... International laws that derive their authority from the constant and consistent
... on international norms that limit State authority over migration issues provide a

3. [PDF]
The legal and normative framework of international migration
States possess broad authority to regulate the movement of foreign nationals
across their borders. ... country of international migrants is among its State parties
although such States as. Mexico ... other violations of their labour rights. ... on the
parts of States will be ineffective in addressing transnational problems that affect.

4. [PDF]
The Legal Regulation of Migration: International and ... - Idosi.org
17 Feb 2014 ... some problems of regulation of migration policies in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Concluded that in most ... foreign and domestic policy and its implementation is
one ... the seasonal labor, health, tourism and migration for.

5. [PDF]
Modern challenges in governmental regulation of labour force ...
The processes of international labor force migration in Ukraine are poorly studied
... of these processes, solution of problems of regions influenced by labor force
inflow and ... Four of ten global remittance corridors have their origins in Europe.

6. [PDF]
International Experience on Protection of Labor Migrants' Rights and ...
labour migrants' rights and the relevant lessons from this experience for ... Rights
and Perspectives of its Application in Kyrgyzstan,” held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
...... to be perceived as a problem, concentrating on legislation (whether to punish

7. [PDF]
Labor Migration - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Many issues concerning labor migration could be solved through regional ... its
12th Summit, adopted a Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the ...
support of regional and international partners to develop regulatory and

8. PDF]
Migration, regional integration and social transformation: A ... - DCU
global regulatory frameworks for labour migration, far less attention has been
paid .... cated to migrant worker and refugee issues and has greatly coloured
their ...

9. [PDF]
Managing International Labor Migration in the 21st Century - ASECU
ports and visas and regulate who can cross their borders and stay. ... 1990, but in
its International Migration 2002 report raised the 1990 number to 154 million ....
The paper then turns to issues involved in managing labor migration at the top.

10. [PDF]
International Migration Policy: Issues and Perspectives for India
migration in a global perspective and coverswide range of issues cmcialfor ...
was enacted to regulate the recruitment and emigration of low-skilled ..... They
also provide cheap labour and help political leaders in shaping their destiny.

Ответ дан 14.05.2014 г.

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