С Новым годом! Версия для слабовидящих Электронные каталоги

Кемеровская областная научная библиотека имени В.Д.Фёдорова

Сегодня воскресенье, мы работаем с 10:00 до 18:00.

Добрый день! Будьте добры, помогите подобрать литературу на английском языке не менее 250-300 страниц о способах модификации битумов или применение асфальтобетонов на основе модифицированных битумов. Заранее спасибо!
6 ноября 2013 г.

Здравствуйте, уважаемый пользователь, для Вас найдены статьи из поисковых англоязычных сайтов. А также мы можем оказать помощь в поиске материала в базе данных американской компании Ebsco Publishing, но эта услуга платная (250 руб. 1 час.).
Справки по тел. 75 79 52 email: ino@kemrsl.ru
C уважением, Татьяна Николаевна.

Предоставляем Вам соответствующие ссылки:

1. [PDF]
Incorporation of Waste Plastic in Asphalt Binders to Improve their ...
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methods of adding polymers to the asphalt mixtures, particularly by ... advantages of modifying bitumen with different waste plastics

2. [PDF]
Modification of Bitumen and Asphalt with VESTENAMER®/GTR in the Labora ...
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VESTENAMER®/GTR is asolidmixture usedinroadconstructionfor modifying bitumen and asphalt by means of a process patented by EVONIK INDUSTRIES. ... Methods In the ...

3. [PDF]
The Effect of Saturates on Rheological and Aging Characteristics of Bitumen
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modifying bitumen composition to produce better physical and rheological characteristics bitumen. ... Rostler and Corbett methods of bitumen fractionation were

4. [PDF]
BUILDING PRACTICE NOTE - National Research Council Canada: From ...
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Ho t-applied rubberized asphalt Modified bftumen or bitumen ... vulcanized elastomers and modified bitumens are ... application and performance of several ...

5. [PDF]
A Granule Surfaced Polyester/Fiberglass Composite Reinforced APP ...
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specially selected asphalt,modified with a blend of APP ... • Not intended for application in hot applied ... bitumens and assumes no responsibility for fire ...

6. [PDF]
Bituminous Concrete with Frame-Separation in Steel-Structure Bridge ...
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Bituminous Concrete with Frame-Separation in Steel-Structure Bridge Deck Pavement ZHANG RONGHUI , ... use of the heat of the concrete to accelerate the
7. Test Procedure for Laboratory Mixtures - Genan
Procedure for Laboratory Mixtures. Page 1 of 3. Modification of Bitumen and Asphalt with VESTENAMER®/GTR in the Labora- tory. Basic Principles.
8. Modification of Dynamic Modulus Predictive Models for Asphalt ...
автор: J Yu - ?2012 - ?Похожие статьи
Figure 37: Lab Tested G* Values of Asphalt Binder Recovered from Iowa 0% RAS Mix ... 63 ...... GTR and a vestenamer polymer to achieve a 70-22 performance grade. The control section ..... 5Vbeff is the effective bitumen content by volume.

9. Progress Report - National Center for Asphalt Technology
автор: JR Willis - ?Похожие статьи
Mix Design, Laboratory Performance. Evaluation and ..... chapter assesses how adding polymer and Vestenamer affect GTR-modified asphalt binders. The final ...

По Вашей теме нашлись статьи в Ebsco Publishing:

1. A Comparative Study of the Influence of Shift Factor Equations on Master
Curve Construction.

2. Fundamental Binder and Practical Mixture Evaluation of
Polymer Modified Bituminous Materials.

3. Investigation of porous asphalt microstructure using optical
and electron microscopy.

4. Rheology of waste plastic fibre-modified bitumen.

5 Effect of Binder Content and Active Filler Selection on Foamed Bitumen
Mixtures: Western Australian Experience

6. Measurement of the Viscoelastic Properties of Bitumen
Using Instrumented Spherical Indentation

Ответ дан 06.11.2013 г.

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