С Новым годом! Версия для слабовидящих Электронные каталоги

Кемеровская областная научная библиотека имени В.Д.Фёдорова

Сегодня воскресенье, мы работаем с 10:00 до 18:00.

Добрый день!10-15 научных статей на иностранных языках о методах селекции однолетних и многолетних злаковых видов растений в культуре in vitro. особенно интересует подбор селективных сред и методика получения каллуса и его пролиферации.в условиях загрязнения питательной среды нефтью и нефтепродуктами.
28 октября 2013 г.

29 октября 2013 г.

Здравствуйте, уважаемый пользователь. К сожалению, в отделе нет необходимой литературы по интересующей Вас теме. Мы можем оказать помощь в поиске материала в базе данных американской компании Ebsco Publishing, но эта услуга платная (250 руб. 1 час.). Здесь представлены ссылки на некоторые статьи, которые были найдены в Ebsco Publishing и возможно Вас заинтересуют:

1. Callus formation is associated with hyperproliferation and
incomplete differentiation of keratinocytes, and increased
expression of adhesion molecules
S.H. Kim, S. Kim, H.I. Choi, Y.J. Choi, Y.S. Lee, K.C. Sohn,* Y. Lee,* C.D. Kim

2. Control of grain size, shape and quality by OsSPL16 in rice
Shaokui Wang1,2, Kun Wu1, Qingbo Yuan1, Xueying Liu1, Zh
3. Differential Sensitivity of Wheat Embryos against Extracts Containing Toxins of Septoria nodorum: First Steps towards in vitro Selection

4. Heterogeneous evolutionary rates of Pi2/9
homologs in rice
Kejing Wu†, Ting Xu

5. A non-synonymous SNP within the isopentenyl
transferase 2 locus is associated with kernel
weight in Chinese maize inbreds (Zea mays L.)
Jianfeng Weng1†, Bo Li2†, Changlin Liu1, Xiaoyan Yang3

А также для Вас найдены статьи из поисковых сайтов yahoo.com и google.com:


1. History of Plant Tissue Culture - National Science Digital Library
The science of plant tissue culture takes its roots from path breaking ... First, to make the callus obtained from the explants to proliferate endlessly ... of excised ovules and pollen grains in the same medium thus overcoming the incompatibility .... Biotechnology and Environment: Environmental problems like pollution control,.

2. Experiments in Plant Tissue Culture
Subsequent chapters are devoted to callus induction, organ formation, xylem ....growth, cell division, and morphogenesis in vitro are set in their appro priate contexts. ... terpretations of the results likely to be obtained, backed up by extensive ... facilities that may be available, the experiments selected require a min imum of ...

3. GPBR 212 Biotechnology - acharya ng ranga agricultural university
Assisted Selection (MAS) and its applications in crop improvement. 28. Methods.... In 1964 Maheshwari and Guha were first produced haploid plants from pollengrains, by culturing .... from callus separating individual shoots fromproliferating mass of shoots. .... environment during in vitro cultivation of plant cells (or) organs.

4. Non-GMO approach for the improvement of heavy metal ...
автор: E Nehnevajova - ?Цитируется: 7 - ?Похожие статьи
School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Swiss Federal ....6.2.3 Culture medium for callus induction and plant regeneration. 103 ..... Metal phytoextraction has both its advantages and disadvantages. The main ....Chapter 6 deals with the in vitro breeding and selection of high yielding oilcrops sunflower ...


www.shigen.nig.ac.jp/ewis/article/html/31/article.html Cached
Regeneration of plants from callus and in vitro selection is the most ... Callusproliferation ... Because explants adapt to an in vitro environment in ...

2. Regeneration and Application: From Suspension Cultured ...
File format: Adobe PDF
callus proliferation namely, ... selected by a stepwise selection, and its I50 value was 4.2x10-5M. ... in vitro. selection,

Справки по тел. 75 79 52 email: ino@kemrsl.ru
C уважением, Елена Васильевна

Ответ дан 29.10.2013 г.

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