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Кемеровская областная научная библиотека имени В.Д.Фёдорова

Сегодня воскресенье, мы работаем с 10:00 до 18:00.

Здравствуйте! Меня интересует литература как на русском, так и на английском языках по темам 1) "Характеристика лингвокультурных словарей как средства формирования социокультурной компетенции", 2) "Теория мультикультурализма (или поликультурного образования) как основа для формирования социокультурной компетенции". Спасибо!
26 апреля 2013 г.

Здравствуйте, уважаемый пользователь. К сожалению, в отделе нет необходимой литературы по интересующей Вас теме. Мы можем оказать помощь в поиске материала на англ.яз в базе данных американской компании Ebsco Publishing, но эта услуга платная. Для примера найдено 5 статей по теме «Теория мультикультурализма».

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email: ino@kemrsl.ru


Список статей из БД 'Ebsco Publishing':

Key words:
Multiculturalism, sociocultural factors, education

1. From the inside out: Learning to understand and appreciate multiple voices through telling identities. Имеется полный текст By: Turniansky, Bobbie; Tuval, Smadar; Mansur, Ruth; Barak, Judith; Gidron, Ariela. New Directions for Teaching & Learning. Summer2009, Vol. 2009 Issue 118, p39-47. 9p. DOI: 10.1002/tl.351.
Internationalizing higher education is not simply a matter of adding international content. If one of the roles of higher education is to prepare students to survive and thrive in an uncertain, g...
GLOBALIZATION; HIGHER education; MULTICULTURALISM; CULTURAL pluralism; PROFESSIONAL identity; EDUCATIONAL planning; CROSS-cultural differences; SOCIOCULTURAL factors; CULTURAL identity; EDUCATIONAL programs
База данных:
Academic Search Premier

2. Student Experiences with Diversity at Liberal Arts Colleges: Another Claim for Distinctiveness. Имеется полный текст By: Umbach, Paul D.; Kuh, George D. Journal of Higher Education. Jan/Feb2006, Vol. 77 Issue 1, p169-192. 24p. 5 Charts, 1 Graph.
This study explores the relationship between organizational and individual characteristics and diversity-related experiences at liberal arts colleges. Compared with their counterparts at other ty...
HUMANISTIC education; INTERDISCIPLINARY approach in education; COLLEGE environment; PREDICTION of scholastic success; UNIVERSITIES & colleges -- Curricula; COLLEGE students -- Psychology; EDUCATIONAL productivity; SOCIOCULTURAL factors; HIGHER education -- Research; CULTURAL pluralism; MULTICULTURALISM; CURRICULA (Courses of study); Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

База данных: Academic Search Premier

3. Multicultural Competency Instrumentation: A Review and Analysis of Reliability Generalization. Имеется полный текст By: Dunn, Todd W.; Smith, Timothy B.; Montoya, Jared A. Journal of Counseling & Development. Fall2006, Vol. 84 Issue 4, p471-482. 12p. 3 Charts.
This article reviews the internal consistency reliability of multicultural competency instrumentation. Additional psychometric properties are qualitatively reviewed for commonly used instruments ...
CROSS-cultural counseling; PROFESSIONAL standards; SOCIOCULTURAL factors; CROSS-cultural communication; CULTURAL awareness; CROSS-cultural differences; MULTICULTURALISM; RESEARCH -- Methodology; RELIABILITY; GENERALIZATION; Other Individual and Family Services
База данных:
Academic Search Premier

4. Multiculturalism in Environmental Science: A Snapshot of Singapore. Имеется полный текст By: Wee, Bryan; Harbor, Jonathan M.; Shepardson, Daniel P. Multicultural Perspectives. 2006, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p10-17. 8p. DOI: 10.1207/s15327892mcp0802_3.
Students' perceptions of the environment can differ based on sociocultural factors and experiences. Understanding how students develop environmental perceptions is an important step toward develo...
База данных:
Academic Search Premier

Key words:
Multiculturalism, sociocultural factors

5. What Is Cross-cultural Research. Имеется полный текст By: Olatundun, Ilesanmi Oluwatoyin. International Journal of Psychological Studies. 2009, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p82-96. 15p. 1 Black and White Photograph, 5 Diagrams, 1 Chart, 1 Graph.
This paper discusses the major principles and methods of cross-cultural research, particularly how to test hypotheses on worldwide samples of cultures. The major purpose of this presentation is t...
CROSS-cultural studies; CROSS-cultural differences; SOCIOCULTURAL factors; ETHNOPSYCHOLOGY; PERSONALITY & culture; COGNITION & culture; MULTICULTURALISM; CULTURAL psychiatry; PSYCHOLOGY
База данных:
Academic Search Premier

Ответ дан 26.04.2013 г.

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